Thursday, February 18, 2010

New York Personal Injury Law Blog: Scalia: "There Is No Right to Secede"

New York Personal Injury Law Blog: Scalia: "There Is No Right to Secede"

Does not everyone have a right to breath, or to leave an abusive spouse, or to even default on a contract, or a compact, or any other type of agreement, if one is dissatisfied with said agreement for any reason, including having their money stolen by the other party or otherwise being cheated or abused, through such contract/agreement, without being lawfully subjected to being tortured or killed, or to be otherwise physically held to such agreement?

Civil penalties for breaking an agreement are one thing, if any actual penalties are even a legitimate issue under such protest!

However, it is an absolute fact, under any free government, that no president, nor other government official, nor any other person or group has the right to physically assault, injure, or kill, or go to war with any person or group for breaking any contract/agreement, when no proof of damage or injury to another person or group can be established!

If such protection was not afforded every person or group in this nation, in all such cases, then we are NOT free, indeed! We are but slaves to other men!

State secession from ANY union of states CANNOT reasonably or lawfully be allowed to be enforced by the gun! Lincoln had no more right to start a war over the people's/states' natural right to secede, than does the man in the moon.

Secession is a natural human right!

It galls me to know that so many people in this country still believe that a handful of men who supposedly represent the "government of the people" has some type of autonomous and absolute right to force everyone to abide by so called "government policies" or victimless "laws", or "unions", especially when these involve confiscation of citizens' wealth and other property, numerous types of excessive taxation and wasteful use of the people's limited resources, and numerous other types of forcible, abusive laws and tyranny, all at the point of a gun.

Such subjective, slave-like submission to "government" is exactly what our forefathers established our country in order to END!

Basic human rights are always supreme, and all people have the right to dissolve their governments and agreements WITHOUT BEING TORTURED OR KILLED THROUGH WAR OR THREAT OF WAR OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF FORCE!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Christians are Sinners

For two thousand years, we have all heard people say that Christians don't sin. These people apparently do not read the Bible. All people are sinners, and that includes ALL Christians.

Those who do not understand the difference between the perfect righteousness of God and the imperfect or "relative" righteousness of man, are the ones who come up with claims that certain people do not sin.

Isa. 64:6 says that: But we are ALL as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.

Besides, Proverbs alone has over a hundred things a person can do or fail to do properly. Any thought or action that is imperfect is a sin.

The real issue is: What did Christ do about sin, and do you accept Christ as your Savior?

Scripture says: Whosoever believes on Christ has everlasting life. Jesus received our judgment for our sins, which paved the way for us to accept Christ as our Savior, through simple faith. We cannot attain salvation on our own, but we can through simple faith in Christ.

Just wonderful, what God has given us, eternal life through Christ! A gift that few ever appreciate or even seek to know anything about.

David James Rinaldo